1995 Proof Set

The 1995 Proof Set (Buy on eBay) is viewed as one of the key modern Proof Sets. The total mintage declined by about 300,000 to reach only 2,010,384 sets, which…

1994 Proof Set

The 1994 Proof Set (Buy on eBay) saw its mintage drop slightly from the prior year. This trend would continue for Proof Set mintages of the next few years. The…

1993 Proof Set

The price of the 1993 Proof Set (Buy on eBay) was increased by the United States Mint after about a decade of stability. The prior year price of $11.00 was…

1992 Proof Set

The annual Proof Set offerings from the United States Mint were expanded in 1992. The regular 1992 Proof Set (Buy on eBay) contained Proof versions of the five coins issued…

1991 Proof Set

The 1991 Proof Set (Buy on eBay) continued the annual tradition of offering a collection of Proof versions of the year's coins for collectors. These coins are struck multiple times…